5 Free Ways To Host Your Node.js App In 2019
May 13, 2019
### 5 Free Ways To Host Your Node.js App In 2020
![](/uploads/Free node.js hosting 2019.png)
So, you had a nice idea — you developed it, but now, you really don’t want to pay a monthly fee to a hosting provider. (And I totally understand you 😍)
This list is updated for 2020, we new details and experiences!
Don’t worry I’ve got your back! I listed here 5 of the best options with all the
information you need — so let’s go started!
![Open node](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*kE9kg6ePfffBvXeCzSVm6g.png "Opennode")
### #1 — [Openode](https://www.openode.io/pricing)
* 100mb RAM, 1GB Persistent storage
* Network: 100GB Bandwidth / Month
* 1 Project per account
* Credit card — Not required
* Support — Community (?)
**Limitations/The Catch:**
* No custom domain
* You must deploy at least once a week to keep an instance up. If it’s open source, your source code is publicly available on our [Hub](https://www.openode.io/hub)
* Your code will be open-sourced unless you declare your project is educational (for students)
**Deployment:** CLI — NPM module (PAAS)
**Next tier cost**: Starts at $0.40 per month
**Most suitable for**:
* Small backend services
* Open-source projects
[https://www.openode.io/pricing](https://www.openode.io/pricing "https://www.openode.io/pricing")
![Redhat openshift](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*YxUHXJi_3k_hyBxmsu_HIA.png "Redhat openshift")
### #1 — Openshift by Red Hat
* 2GB RAM, 2GB Persistent storage
* Unlimited network
* 1 Project per account
* Credit card — Not required
* Support — Community
* Considered secure
**Limitations/The Catch:**
* No custom domain
* Resource hibernation — Your project resources sleep after 30 minutes of
inactivity, and must sleep 18 hours in a 72 hour period
* Expiration — Your subscription automatically expires after 60 days. resubscribe as often as you like
**Deployment:** Git (PAAS)
**Next tier cost**: Starts at $50/mo
**Most suitable for**:
* Small backend services - REST APIs, APIs, chatbots
[https://www.openshift.com/products/online/](https://www.openshift.com/products/online/ "https://www.openshift.com/products/online/")
![Herouku hosting](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*YXdkLfCaVACGo-w_rx72KA.png "Heroku")
### #3— Heroku
* 512mb RAM, No Persistent storage
* Unlimited network
* Custom domain support
* Credit card — Not required but your instance will have 550 hours a month (this
mean it must sleep \~25% of the time), a verified account will give you 1000
hours a month (they will not charge you)
* Support — Business hour support, 1+ day response times
**Limitations/The Catch:**
* Sleeps after 30 mins of inactivity, otherwise always on depending on your
remaining monthly free dyno hours. **tip -> **you can use a free ping service
who will keep your service — I’m using
**Deployment:** CLI /Git (PAAS)
**Next tier cost**: Starts at $7 per month
**Most suitable for**: Fullstack project, or any type of small project
![now.sh](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*31Y6x7fSKfdETiCjAORVbA.png "now.sh")
### #4 — Now.sh
* Serverless hosting!
* No limit for RAM, 100gb Persistent storage
* Network — up to 100 GB / mo
* Custom domain support
* Credit card — Not required
* Support —Community/Twitter
* Serverless invocations — 1,000 / day
* Maximum Execution Time- 10 seconds
**Limitations/The Catch:**
* Maximum File Size — 100mb
* Compared to 2020 the service is better much stabilized, but still might be bumpy
**Deployment:** CLI /Github integration/ Desktop app (PAAS)
**Next tier cost**: Starts at $0.99 per month
**Most suitable for**:
* Light compute Backend
* full-stack project
[https://zeit.co/pricing](https://zeit.co/pricing "zeit")
![glitch hosting free](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*crKuSh8BTQdmVaD17hU1cQ.png "glitch hosting")
### #5— Glitch
* Glitch is a friendly community where everyone can discover and create the best stuff on the web — means you can also host the app there!
* No limits specified, run on a container
* Unlimited Network
* Custom domain support
* Credit card — Not required
**Limitations/The Catch:**
* By default — All code is open source, but you can change it to private for free
* 200MB disk space limit/ 512MB assets storage space.
* 512MB RAM
* It’s a bit hard to know the limits — this page can help
**Deployment:** Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket (PAAS)
**Next tier cost**: None
**Most suitable for**: Pretty much everything open-source, you should try it